wind turbines natural energy

A Hard Truth: Keystone Pipeline Owner Calls Biden's Energy Policy Into Question

EDITOR'S NOTE: As the specter of rising energy prices continues to loom over the American economic landscape, a heavyweight voice joins the chorus of dissent against the Biden administration's energy policies. Russell Girling, the former CEO of TC Energy, the company behind the ill-fated Keystone XL pipeline, has come forward to demand a 'reality check' for the current energy agenda. His claims, brought to light in a candid interview with FOX Business, shed new light on the contested terrain of energy politics in America.

Girling cuts through the diplomatic doubletalk to present the hard facts, dissecting the repercussions of abandoning traditional energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone pipeline. His insights paint a bleak picture - rising prices, energy shortages, and an unsettling dependence on foreign energy sources. The question now arises: Can America afford to dismiss the realities of its energy situation in the name of environmental ambitions?


TC Energy CEO said 'it's really important to present the facts' about renewable energy

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