Clinton criticizes Biden-Harris border policies

Bill Clinton Blames Biden-Harris Border Policies for Georgia Woman’s Death—Another Tragic Consequence of Failed Vetting


In a striking departure from party lines, former President Bill Clinton publicly condemned the Biden-Harris administration for its border mismanagement, holding them partly responsible for the tragic murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. Clinton’s remarks shine a harsh light on the administration’s lax vetting practices, which have allowed dangerous criminals to flood into the U.S., unchecked. As Washington remains indifferent, the consequences grow more deadly—leaving Americans to wonder how many more lives will be lost before accountability is enforced.

Written by Eric Blair

In a rare moment of bluntness, former President Bill Clinton recently pointed the finger at the Biden-Harris administration, saying that the tragic death of 22-year-old Laken Riley "probably wouldn’t have happened" if the White House had properly vetted the illegal migrant accused of killing her. Clinton’s comments, made while campaigning for Kamala Harris at a fish fry in Georgia, drive home a glaring issue: the Biden-Harris border policies are failing Americans.

For years, the current administration has systematically dismantled crucial Trump-era immigration measures, like the Remain in Mexico policy, and the results have been devastating. Since Biden and Harris took office, the southern border has become an open gate for unvetted individuals, and Laken Riley's death is just the latest example of the cost American citizens are paying.

Riley, a nursing student from Augusta University, was allegedly killed by an illegal migrant released into the U.S., a direct consequence of the administration's lax approach to border security. Clinton didn’t mince words as he reflected on this senseless tragedy: "Well, if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened."

And he's right. The numbers don't lie. Under Biden and Harris, nearly two million known "gotaways" have evaded U.S. Border Patrol, slipping into the country with zero accountability. Even more disturbing, House Republicans have released data showing that up to 650,000 criminal migrants are roaming freely across American communities. This includes over 13,000 convicted murderers and more than 220,000 suspects with criminal charges hanging over their heads.

Yet, while the administration claims the illegal migrant population is 11 million, anyone paying attention knows it’s likely much higher. Why? Because the Biden-Harris team refuses to take control of the border. They allow these criminals to slip through the cracks, putting innocent lives like Laken Riley’s at risk. And where is the accountability?

This isn’t just an immigration crisis—it’s a national security crisis. Every day this administration refuses to enforce proper vetting, Americans are left more vulnerable. How many more lives need to be destroyed before Biden and Harris wake up?

The reality is Washington's incompetence doesn’t just affect the border states anymore—it’s coming to your backyard. You must take proactive steps to protect yourself and your financial future from the chaos that’s unfolding.

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