decline of US dollar

A Global Power Shift: 12 Nations Abandon the Dollar


The global financial system is undergoing a seismic shift, as twelve Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) nations have joined the BRICS movement in a major de-dollarization push. Led by Russia, these countries now conduct 85% of their cross-border trade in local currencies, signaling the decline of U.S. dollar dominance. This rebellion, fueled by Vladimir Putin’s agenda, threatens to dismantle America’s economic power. As the dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, Americans face the prospect of hyperinflation, spiraling debt, and financial ruin. The era of dollar dominance is ending, and the U.S. is unprepared for the economic fallout. 

The collapse that experts have long warned about is now upon us. Twelve nations from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have officially jumped on the BRICS bandwagon in a full-blown de-dollarization move. Today, 85% of their cross-border trade is handled in local currencies—not U.S. dollars. What once seemed impossible is now reality: the global financial system is shifting beneath our feet, and America’s economic dominance is crumbling at a terrifying pace.

But don’t be fooled into thinking this is just another trade shift. This is a seismic event in global finance, one that could render the U.S. dollar utterly worthless and leave everyday Americans drowning in a flood of financial chaos.

The Rise of the Anti-Dollar Rebellion

Led by powerhouses like Russia, Kazakhstan, and Armenia, the CIS bloc has turned its back on the dollar for good. Vladimir Putin, the mastermind behind this move, has convinced these nations to abandon the U.S. financial system and trade in their own currencies. This isn’t just a BRICS revolution anymore—it’s spreading like wildfire. With the CIS now fully on board, we’re witnessing a global rebellion against the dollar, and it’s happening right before our eyes.

Russia’s early dominance in the BRICS economic alliance was just the beginning. Now, with the CIS nations joining the charge, America’s influence on the global stage is being dismantled. The message from Moscow is clear: the era of dollar dominance is over, and the U.S. economy is careening toward a crash it is tragically unprepared to face.

What’s Coming for You: Economic Collapse and Financial Ruin

What does this mean for everyday Americans like you? Imagine hyperinflation, spiraling prices, and a government desperate to keep its currency afloat as the world ditches the dollar. The petrodollar, which has propped up American economic power for decades, is being replaced. And with it goes the financial security generations of Americans have taken for granted.

If this trend continues—and make no mistake, it will—the U.S. could face crippling economic isolation. The deficit will explode. National debt will spin out of control. And inflation? It could surge to levels that will make 1970s stagflation look like a walk in the park. When the dollar finally loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, American power as we know it will be a memory.

Putin’s Master Plan: The End of U.S. Financial Power

At the recent CIS summit, Putin laid it all out: his goal is to sever every last tie to the U.S. financial system. The CIS bloc has already crossed the 85% threshold in using their own currencies, and the rest will soon follow. Putin’s agenda? Complete U.S. economic destruction. It’s not just about trade; it’s about stripping away America’s influence in every sector—financial, technological, and geopolitical.

This is more than economic competition; it’s all-out economic warfare. And let’s be brutally honest: the U.S. is losing, fast.

A Financial Apocalypse: The Dollar’s Demise

Without global demand for the U.S. dollar, America’s ability to print money on a whim will vanish. The ballooning deficit, already out of control, will weigh the U.S. economy down like an anchor. Hyperinflation, once something we associated with struggling third-world economies, could soon become the American reality.

As BRICS and CIS nations continue to build a global financial system that operates without the U.S., the rest of the world will follow suit. And when that happens, the U.S. economy will fall into freefall. No demand for the dollar means a rapid spiral toward economic collapse, runaway inflation, and a financial system in ruins.

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