Harris economic impact on women

Harris Policies Are Crippling Working Women: The Numbers Don’t Lie


Kamala Harris and Joe Biden promised prosperity for working women, but all they’ve delivered is a financial nightmare wrapped in spin. Inflation is gutting paychecks, childcare costs are soaring, and essentials like diapers and formula have become luxuries. The media may sing Harris’s praises, but real women—juggling jobs, bills, and families—know the truth: their quality of life is slipping fast, and it’s no accident. It’s time to cut through the noise and expose the cold reality behind the failed promises, where political vanity trumps economic sanity, and women are left to pick up the tab.

By Eric Blair

Of all the polished political promises spun by Democrats about Kamala Harris, the claim that her leadership benefits working women might be the most egregious. Behind the talking points and photo ops, the cold, hard data tell a different story—one marked by rising inflation, shrinking wages, soaring childcare costs, and declining opportunities. Women are being squeezed tighter under the Biden-Harris administration than ever before, all while the mainstream media works overtime to sell a false narrative.

Under President Trump, working women enjoyed historic financial gains. Median income for women hit all-time highs, and real weekly earnings surged by 8.2%. Compare that to the 3.9% decline since Harris and Biden took office—a blow to the purchasing power of millions of American households. Unemployment for women, including Black women, hit record lows under Trump, and the gap between male and female workforce participation narrowed to unprecedented levels. Trump’s economy didn’t just benefit women; it empowered them.

Trump’s Pro-Family Economic Playbook

Trump’s policies weren’t just lucky breaks—they were carefully designed to help working women balance family life and careers. His expansion of the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 benefited nearly 40 million families, injecting $88 billion in relief. Trump introduced a paid family leave tax credit for lower-income workers and secured 12 weeks of parental leave for federal employees. In an effort to reduce financial stress on new parents, his administration even allowed penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts for adoption or childbirth expenses.

On top of that, Trump authorized the largest-ever increase in childcare and development block grants, giving 800,000 low-income families access to affordable childcare. These moves didn’t just put more money into families' pockets—they made it possible for women to stay in the workforce without sacrificing their children’s well-being.

Harris and Biden: A Disaster for Working Families

Fast forward to the present, and the economic picture has reversed under Harris and Biden. Inflation is choking household budgets, forcing women to work longer hours or delay retirement just to keep up. Harris’s tie-breaking vote for the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” only accelerated inflation by funneling billions into climate initiatives that most Americans don’t benefit from.

Since Harris entered office, prices have skyrocketed 19.4%. Groceries, utilities, and basic household necessities are becoming luxuries, especially for women, who are often the primary shoppers for their families. The rising costs are more than just statistics; they’re forcing painful decisions. In Nevada, a single mother sold her car to put food on the table. In Michigan, a working mom skipped buying school clothes for her children to afford gas for her daily commute.

According to the Joint Economic Committee, families now need an additional $12,590 per year just to maintain the same standard of living they had three years ago. For parents, the inflation squeeze has been brutal—67% say it has impacted their ability to cover their children’s education or extracurricular activities.

Childcare costs have jumped by 32% since 2019, with nearly two-thirds of families now spending over 20% of their annual income just to afford it. Essentials like diapers have surged 32%, and nearly half of American families say they can’t keep up. Harris and Biden’s mishandling of the economy even triggered the 2022 baby formula shortage, leaving millions of mothers scrambling for alternatives. Food insecurity, too, reached staggering levels, with 44 million Americans going hungry—a 31% jump and the worst rate since the financial crisis of 2008.

The Media Spin vs. Reality

Despite these grim realities, Democrats and their media allies are working overtime to convince women they’ve never had it better. But the numbers don't lie. Working women thrived under Trump’s policies, which delivered tangible financial benefits and unprecedented job opportunities. Harris, however, treats women as nothing more than a political demographic to pander to—offering promises she never intended to keep while pushing policies that drive up costs and shrink paychecks.

Ladies, Don’t Get Fooled

Economic independence is essential, especially in uncertain times like these. Don’t let the political spin distract you from the facts: The Biden-Harris administration’s policies are crushing household budgets and forcing women into impossible financial choices. Trump’s leadership delivered real prosperity, while Harris offers nothing but broken promises and higher prices.

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