Michigan protesters

Hundreds of protesters, some carrying guns in the state Capitol, demonstrate against Michigan's emergency measures

EDITOR'S NOTE: people all over are starting to get very anxious about the extended nature of this pandemic - and especially are quite irate at the actions of many state and local officials in the handling of this quarantine compared to Constitutional Rights. Stay tuned - this is about to get exciting.


Lawmakers declined to extend the state's emergency declaration and voted to bring a lawsuit to challenge Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's authority. Whitmer then issued new emergency orders.

Hundreds of people protested outside the Michigan Capitol building in Lansing on Thursday, with some pushing inside while the Legislature was debating an extension of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's state of emergency in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Protesters held signs, waved American flags and even carried firearms, while some chanted "Let us in!" and "This is the people's house, you cannot lock us out." Others tried to get onto the House floor but were blocked by state police and sergeants-at-arms, according to NBC affiliate WDIV of Detroit.

A state police spokesman told NBC News that it is legal in Michigan to carry firearms as long as it's done with lawful intent and the weapon is visible.

Michigan United for Liberty organized the protest, dubbed the American Patriot Rally, to call for the reopening of businesses.

State lawmakers, who are Republican-led in both chambers, on Thursday night declined to extend the state's emergency declaration before it expired at midnight. Instead, they voted to bring a lawsuit to challenge Whitmer's authority and actions to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

The Democratic governor quickly issued new orders stating that an emergency still exists, while also declaring new 28-day states of emergency and disaster.

Read Original Article at nbcnews.com


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