Biden-Harris energy agenda

Kamala’s Energy War: Inflation’s Next Supercharger


If you think inflation’s bad now, just wait until Kamala and her cronies tighten the noose on fossil fuels. The Biden-Harris regime isn’t just clumsy—they’re running a deliberate campaign to torch American energy independence and hand the keys of the global economy to foreign petro-despots like Russia and Iran. They say they’re here to “transition” us to green energy, but what they really mean is throttling U.S. oil production while the price of everything skyrockets. Get ready, folks—when inflation spikes again, don’t say you weren’t warned. This is the cost of their ideological war on fossil fuels. And spoiler alert: they don’t care how much you’ll suffer along the way.

Written by Derek Wolfe

If Kamala Harris gets her way, buckle up—because the gas stove in your kitchen won’t be the only thing going cold. The war on fossil fuels under the Biden-Harris cartel is about to shift into overdrive. But let’s cut through the gaslighting: Kamala and her handlers may say they're not banning fracking, but their every move tells another story. Canceled pipelines, blocked permits, and hamstrung energy producers—they’re not just sabotaging oil and gas. They’re gutting the economic backbone of this country, and they’re doing it with a grin.

Actions Speak Louder Than Political Double-Talk

They axed the Keystone XL pipeline right out of the gate. Strike one. Then they shut down fracking operations in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Strike two. They didn’t stop there—they’ve also put a chokehold on the National Petroleum Reserve and shut off vital drilling operations in places like New Mexico. The only reason any leasing happened in the Gulf of Mexico was because a judge had to twist their arm.

And now? They’ve stopped LNG exports, slapping America in the face economically and geopolitically. It’s a gift-wrapped package to Russia, Venezuela, and Iran. These energy tyrants have gotta be laughing at us—because thanks to the Biden-Harris energy chokehold, they’re cashing in while we fumble the bag.

Let’s be real: Oil production is still barely alive, but it’s not because of anything the White House did. Any gains we see now come from price hikes and lease approvals made under Trump’s watch. But even that lifeline is wearing thin. The Baker Hughes rig count? Down by half since 2019. The small and mid-sized producers—the ones willing to roll the dice on domestic drilling—are getting wiped out by crushing regulations and suffocating taxes. And while the little guys sink, Exxon and Chevron are playing it safe, cutting new projects and funneling cash back to shareholders. Can you blame them? When you know the government’s gearing up to bury your industry, you don’t drill—you hedge.

America’s Energy Independence: On Life Support

The Biden-Harris regime claims they care about the future—but their actions are killing any shot we have at long-term energy stability. They won’t drill in Alaska, they won’t build new pipelines, and they’ve got a vendetta against even clean-burning natural gas. Nuclear power? Forget about it. They want us to think they’re playing 4D chess, but all they’re really doing is handing energy dominance over to hostile regimes.

We’ve got baseload power needs that aren’t going away in the next 50 years—hell, probably not even the next century. Natural gas and nuclear are the smartest bets we’ve got, but the Biden-Harris camp won’t touch them with a ten-foot pole. The writing is on the wall: if Kamala gets into power, energy independence is toast. And who wins when that happens? Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. They’ll tighten the energy markets, and you’ll be paying $10 for a gallon of gas—assuming there’s even any to buy.

Skyrocketing Inflation: The Price of Ideological Sabotage

Let’s not sugarcoat it: If the Biden-Harris plan keeps rolling, inflation is going to shoot through the roof. It won’t stop at electricity bills—everything will cost more. Fuel powers the supply chain, and when energy prices go ballistic, it sends shockwaves through every part of the economy. You think things are expensive now? Just wait. The next inflation wave will make today’s prices feel like a bargain bin sale.

Here’s the game plan, folks: They’ll claim it’s all for the planet, but the truth is, this is an assault on American autonomy. Energy control equals economic control, and they want both. If they block domestic production, we’re left at the mercy of foreign powers who don't play by the same rules. And meanwhile, Kamala and her crowd will be smugly sipping champagne, telling you that $8-a-gallon gas is the "cost of progress."

Don’t take their bait. This isn’t about saving the Earth—it’s about control. It’s about making you dependent on their so-called solutions while the real winners are foreign despots and multinational elites.

Call to Action:
Get ahead of the chaos before it’s too late. Download "Seven Steps to Protect Yourself from Bank Failure" by Bill Brocius and take control of your financial future. Don’t wait for the next inflation shock—start protecting yourself today. Download now.

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