State Wont have your back

When the Next Financial Crisis Strikes, the State Will NOT Have Your Back... fact, the state never placed much priority on your interests as a citizen, despite the popular myth that government represents the people under its governance.

It’s in the nature of a centralized state to draw and uphold its boundaries, and to enforce the mechanisms that constitute its flow and function.

If a state cannot expand beyond its external boundaries, its ontological imperative is to impose an internal expansion by way of control over the lives of its citizens.

To vitalize this intensive operation, the state must view everything within its boundaries as an inverted conquest--with suspicion and paranoia serving as the affective pillars that not only conserve the mechanisms of the state but also separate the “state” (the elites) from the people it pledges to govern; relegating them to secondary status; one of marginal “otherness.”

The underlying assumption--held not only by the state or the elites supporting the state, but also the citizens who accept, without question, this paternalized arrangement of power--is that the state knows best and that its actions reflect the collective will of its citizens...
...But during times of crisis, the hierarchy of state privilege reveals itself with brutal clarity.

When society’s fabric of stability gets frayed or torn apart, the state’s first imperative is to protect itself; to ensure its own survival and its mechanisms of control. Its secondary impulse is to secure the wealth and power of complicit establishments serving to uphold the state’s coercive power; a relationship that is mutually reinforcing.

Simply look at what the anti-cash policies and bureaucratic regulations have done to damage the transactional freedoms and survivability of people who have fallen victim to the recent hurricane disaster.

Consider the G20’s “bail-in” legislation pre-authorizing asset seizures as a response to financial crises. The 2008 global financial crisis served as a pretext for this particular form of legislative expansion. And who benefits? The banking system whose financial mechanisms support the state. Who gets shafted? The ordinary citizens whose assets are seized, and in some cases, compensated with bank stocks (again benefiting the elites at the expense of the citizens).

Consider the Fed’s inflationary QE policies that have benefitted government as well as corporate elites (in the form of cheap debt that many used to fund stock buybacks, creating the illusion of a healthy market). The Fed’s measure of inflation, an abstract statistical value, bears no correlation to the average American’s experience of inflated asset prices; one causing increasing difficulties in the purchase of basic household goods.

Regulatory and legislative overreach are common forms in which the state expands its mechanisms of control while couching its implicit motives behind notions of a common good.

Ultimately, what’s unveiled is a hierarchical pyramid that is nothing short of a modern-day aristocracy, with the average American in the position of functionary holding the illusion of power through that strengthens as individual submission deepens.
And when the next financial crisis hits, the state will not have your back as a free individual. In fact, it may just surround you instead; administering its societal cures in the form of tighter regulations and control.

There is a way to resist this apparatus of capture. The solution is simply to hedge yourself against their mechanisms of financial control by securing your wealth outside of the regulated system.

The intrinsic value of both silver and gold is sufficient enough to place you in a position of advantage over those who do not own them.

To buy precious metals is to exercise your right in securing financial freedom and privacy. It is also a way of resisting a government whose notion of freedom has somehow passed from a fundamental principle to a diversionary illusion: a nominal carrot stick leading toward monetary submission.