Government debt and inflation

No Central Bank Wants to Stop Inflation – It’s by Design


Alright, folks, strap in. This isn’t your average Sunday morning economics piece – it’s a roadmap to how governments are conning you out of your money, one worthless dollar at a time. Inflation isn’t just an accident of bad policy – it’s a feature, not a bug. Governments need inflation to keep the gravy train of debt-fueled spending rolling. They sell us on more “intervention” to tame prices, but spoiler alert: the fox doesn’t guard the henhouse, it eats the damn birds. If you’re waiting for central banks to ride to the rescue, you’ll die holding an empty wallet.

Written by Derek Wolfe

The Great Inflation Conspiracy

Governments love inflation. Why? Because inflation makes debt cheap and gives politicians free rein to keep writing checks they can’t cash. When the government prints more money, your savings get gutted, but guess what? Politicians get to keep splurging and looking like heroes in the process. Inflation is the ultimate hidden tax—they don’t have to announce it; it just drains your purchasing power quietly, month after month.

Every time they pump out more fiat currency, two things happen:

  1. Their mountain of debt shrinks in “real” terms.
  2. They collect more in taxes from inflated wages and prices.

Inflation is their game, and you? You’re just a pawn getting squeezed at the grocery store.

Socialism: Inflation’s Best Friend

Here’s the dirty little secret: inflation and socialism are bosom buddies. Socialism peddles the fantasy that governments can generate wealth by printing more money—except that’s like trying to cure a hangover with another round of tequila. When prices explode, the state’s next move is predictable:

  • Propaganda: They blame businesses for being “greedy” or accuse oil producers of gouging prices.
  • Repression: When folks start waking up and protesting, the state clamps down hard.

The result? Scarcity and higher prices—and somehow, they still convince people that more government will fix it.

The "Free Market" Mirage

You think we live in a free market? Think again. Central banks and governments are working hand-in-glove to inflate public deficits and keep the debt ponzi going. Regulation strangles real competition, and they print more cash to prop up their bloated budgets. Meanwhile, small businesses crumble, and ordinary folks can't afford a roof over their heads. But don’t worry—Big Brother will be there with subsidies...paid in the same worthless currency they keep devaluing.

It’s all part of the “social use of money”—a slick term for turning cash into political control. Governments issue currency like confetti at a parade, making sure you stay dependent on state handouts. Pretty soon, the only thing your dollars will be good for is wiping your tears.

CPI: A Crooked Yardstick

Here’s another scam: the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Governments love using the CPI to measure inflation because it’s rigged from the get-go. They handpick a “basket of goods” and tweak the contents whenever it suits them. Does that basket reflect the things that actually eat away at your paycheck, like rent, groceries, and healthcare? Hell no. They throw in gadgets and streaming services to mask the real damage. Even when they admit to 2% inflation, the truth is you're bleeding out at a much higher rate.

The Currency of Control

When the Fed cuts rates and cranks out more dollars, they aren’t stabilizing prices—they’re defending inflation. Why? Because without inflation, the government’s house of cards collapses. The only way to keep the debt spiral going is by making your money worthless just slowly enough that you don’t notice until it’s too late.

And don’t let them fool you: no private company—not Big Oil, not Amazon—has the power to keep prices rising year after year. Only the money printers can pull that off, and they do it to paper over ballooning deficits. Inflation isn’t a market failure; it’s a government strategy.

Taxes and Inflation: Two Sides of the Same Coin

High taxes and inflation are part of the same racket. Tax hikes don’t reduce debt—they justify it. Every dollar they confiscate from you is just another excuse to borrow more. When they tell you they’ll “cut prices,” they’re lying through their teeth. The plan has always been to devalue the currency—and by the time you realize what’s happened, the safety net’s gone, and you’re dangling over the abyss.

Fiat Currency: A Default by Another Name

Here’s the brutal truth: Government-issued debt is fiat currency, and currency depreciation is inflation. Inflation is just a polite way of saying, “We’re defaulting on our promises.” Central banks won’t stop it—because inflation is how governments expand their power while abandoning any responsibility for the mess they create.

Every year, the goalposts shift. They borrow trillions, promise lower prices, and insist they can manage inflation. But here’s the kicker: They can’t, and they won’t—because inflation is what keeps them in control. If prices drop, real wages rise, and people start saving again, the whole charade collapses. That’s why they’ll keep the inflation machine humming until it’s run every last one of us into the ground.

Final Thoughts – Get Off the Grid

If you want to survive what’s coming, don’t wait around for governments to fix it—they won’t. Their entire system depends on keeping you poor, dependent, and begging for crumbs. The only way out is to reduce your reliance on fiat currency and central banks altogether. Diversify your savings, avoid debt like the plague, and prepare for the fallout.

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