Uninsured deposits at risk

Oklahoma Bank Fails—FDIC Covers Just 50% of Depositors, But Silicon Valley Elite Got 100% Last Year!


The collapse of Oklahoma’s First National Bank of Lindsay exposes the stark double standards in America’s banking system. While Silicon Valley’s elites got a full bailout last year, everyday depositors in small-town banks are left with crumbs. The FDIC is covering only 50% of uninsured deposits, proving once again that the government protects the wealthy while the rest of us fend for ourselves. With more bank failures on the horizon, inflation rising, and the economy crumbling, it’s time to prepare for the inevitable collapse of America’s rigged financial system.

By Sam Clemons

America’s financial system plays favorites—and guess who’s left holding the bag? The bankers and tech billionaires always get bailed out while Main Street gets crumbs.

Another small-town bank bites the dust, and it’s becoming crystal clear: If you’re not rich and powerful, don’t expect the government to save you. The First National Bank of Lindsay in Oklahoma shut its doors on October 18, 2024, after federal regulators declared it couldn’t keep up with capital requirements. But unlike last year’s sweetheart bailout for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the FDIC is only covering 50% of uninsured deposits for the everyday folks in Oklahoma.

Yes, you read that right. **SVB’s millionaire depositors got every penny back—**courtesy of Uncle Sam—but ordinary Oklahomans? Half, if they’re lucky.

Rigging the System for the Elites

The First National Bank of Lindsay might be small—one office, local depositors—but the collapse carries a much bigger message. The FDIC plays by two sets of rules: One for the elites, another for the rest of us. When Silicon Valley’s billionaire-backed bank went belly-up in 2023, Washington sprang into action to save every single uninsured deposit—including Roku’s half-billion-dollar stash.

Now? The FDIC is suddenly frugal, offering just 50% coverage for uninsured depositors at Lindsay’s bank. They say more might come later if they sell off assets, but don’t hold your breath. In this rigged game, only the well-connected walk away whole.

Bank Failures—A Sign of What’s Coming Next

Here’s the cold truth: This Oklahoma bank collapse is just the beginning. Thousands of banks across the U.S. are teetering on the edge. If you think the FDIC can cover everyone when the system starts to crumble, think again. There’s not enough money in the whole system to back the tsunami of failures on the horizon.

The FDIC claims uninsured deposits aren’t supposed to be protected at all. But apparently, that rule only applies when it’s your money on the line. For the big guys—Silicon Valley venture capitalists and billion-dollar firms—rules go out the window. Just another reminder: the government protects the wealthy while you’re told to fend for yourself.

A Looming Financial Collapse: Are You Ready?

What does this double standard tell us about the health of our financial system? The government’s running out of rope—and it’s every man for himself. This shift in FDIC policy is a flashing red light. When small-town banks start failing and depositors don’t get their cash back, the Ponzi scheme that is America’s economy is running on fumes.

What’s next? The elites will keep you distracted with foreign wars and media fluff while they drain the last bit of wealth from the middle class. And when the whole house of cards collapses, they’ll leave the rest of us scrambling for food, shelter, and protection. Inflation. Food shortages. Bank runs. The writings on the wall—are you prepared?

Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late

The collapse of this Oklahoma bank should be a wake-up call. The government won’t save you—they’re too busy bailing out Silicon Valley millionaires. Here’s how you can protect yourself:

  • Get your money out of fragile banks. Diversify your savings into real assets like precious metals—gold and silver will still hold value when the dollar crashes.
  • Stock up on essentials. Food, water, energy—make sure you have what you need if things spiral out of control.
  • Stay informed. The elites don’t want you paying attention, but knowledge is power in these uncertain times.

The system is crumbling. Bank failures, debt crises, and inflation are just the beginning. The banking elites and their allies in Washington have shown their hand: They’ll save themselves and let the rest of us burn.

How much longer can America’s Ponzi scheme economy limp along? Don’t wait to find out. Prepare now—because when the next wave of bank failures hits, you won’t want to be left holding worthless paper promises.

Prepare yourself with our 7-step ebook that will give you simple action items and the tools you need to make informed decisions to protect yourself and those you love. Get it here.

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