patriotism and foreign policy

Patriotism for Profit: How Interventionists Hijack Populism


Patriotism isn’t a narrow road of exclusion and militarism. True love for one’s country demands careful stewardship—not blind aggression wrapped in national slogans. As interventionists on both sides of the political spectrum attempt to repackage old policies under the guise of “America First,” it’s critical to remember that defending national interests doesn’t mean supporting every military buildup or foreign entanglement. There’s a better way to protect American values—one rooted in diplomacy, economic independence, and avoiding the pitfalls of endless war. This article sheds light on the forces working to bring back failed interventionism while posing as patriots.

Written by Eric Blair

For nearly a decade, the political landscape in America has been shifting like tectonic plates beneath our feet. The election of Donald Trump in 2016 was a rejection of the neoconservative stronghold that had clutched the Republican Party since George W. Bush. Trump’s blunt criticism of the Iraq War—rightfully calling it a fraud sold on lies—and his resistance to further entanglement in Syria marked the end of an era. As a result, many of the most hawkish Bush-era neocons fled the party, desperate to sabotage Trump and his anti-interventionist rhetoric. But they failed.

Trump’s presidency accelerated this realignment, leaving a fractured establishment scrambling to reassert control by backing Joe Biden in 2020. Now, as Trump makes his third run at the White House, the establishment has resurfaced in full force, rallying behind anyone but Trump. Old war hawks like Dick Cheney have publicly distanced themselves from the party. But whether these moves represent a lasting transformation or just temporary political theater hinges on what happens next month.

While it’s tempting to celebrate the decline of neocon dominance, a critical truth remains: not every hawk abandoned the ship. Some interventionists stayed behind, quietly rebranding their agenda under the slick marketing of a new “America First” strategy. Make no mistake—these war hawks haven’t had a change of heart. They’re simply trying to revive the same disastrous foreign policy that left America broke, bleeding, and isolated.

The Rebranding of War: Old Hawks, New Slogans

One of the clearest examples of this bait-and-switch is Robert O’Brien, Trump’s former National Security Advisor. A creature of the political establishment through and through, O’Brien held posts under both Bush and Obama and even advised Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign. Yet despite his deep roots in the old order, O’Brien now presents himself as a champion of Trump’s foreign policy.

This summer, O’Brien published an article in Foreign Affairs that purported to outline Trump’s foreign policy vision. But beneath the veneer of populist rhetoric, O’Brien’s prescriptions reek of the same interventionist ideology that got us mired in endless wars for the last two decades.

O’Brien paints Iran, China, and Russia as existential threats requiring immediate and aggressive responses. He pushes for American taxpayers to bankroll an enormous military expansion—particularly the Navy—to confront these so-called enemies. He advocates for suffocating sanctions on Iran and China, economic crackdowns, and covert support for dissident movements to destabilize regimes Washington dislikes.

And when it comes to the war in Ukraine? Even here, O’Brien subtly shifts the narrative. Instead of framing Trump’s opposition to the conflict as a move toward diplomacy, O’Brien laments that the war happened because the U.S. didn’t intervene more aggressively in Eastern Europe earlier. While he gives a cursory nod to Trump’s calls for a negotiated settlement, he can’t help but cheer the flood of weapons heading to Ukraine and the deployment of American forces closer to Russia.

The Trojan Horse of National Conservatism

O’Brien isn’t alone. Other so-called America First advocates have been quietly injecting interventionist policies into the populist movement, hoping no one notices. Take the National Conservatism conference in July, where a parade of right-wing influencers gathered to reframe Iran and China as the greatest dangers to America. This is the same old fear mongering we’ve seen for decades—only now, it’s dressed up in populist garb.

These figures hope to lull Americans back into a mindset where endless wars, sanctions, and military buildups are sold as “defensive measures.” But don’t be fooled. The American people have already sacrificed too much—trillions of dollars spent chasing phantom threats and fighting unwinnable wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. We’ve propped up failing governments, only to watch them collapse again, all while enriching the military-industrial complex and leaving American families worse off.

No More War Games at Our Expense

The neocon establishment may have swapped out slogans, but the core strategy remains unchanged. For decades, they’ve milked endless wars for profits and power while everyday Americans have footed the bill—through taxes, inflation, and a bloated national debt. And now, with rising populism threatening their control, they’re trying to repackage the same interventionist policies under an “America First” banner.

If we let these rebranded war hawks succeed, we’re dooming ourselves to repeat history. The American people cannot afford to be drawn back into the same trap of foreign entanglements, military overreach, and endless conflict. It’s time to reject these establishment lies once and for all.

The only way forward is through vigilance and self-reliance. Don’t let smooth-talking policymakers pull the wool over your eyes. Prepare yourself financially for the fallout of reckless foreign policy—because it’s coming. To protect your wealth, shift your savings into tangible assets like gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies. And most importantly, stay informed.

For deeper insights into safeguarding your financial future in these uncertain times, I urge you to download Bill Brocius' essential guide, “7 Steps to Protect Yourself from Bank Failure” here. And if you want direct access to the sharpest economic analysis available, join Bill’s Inner Circle newsletter for just $19.95 a month. Don’t wait until the next crisis catches you off guard—act now and stay one step ahead.

This is no time to let your guard down. War hawks may change their uniforms, but their agenda never changes. And they always expect you to pay the price.

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