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The Construction Jobs Mirage: A Looming Collapse?


Friday’s jobs report could reveal a harsh reality for the U.S. construction industry. While the Department of Labor claims construction jobs are at a record high, the latest data from the JOLTs report shows a staggering 50% drop in construction job openings since February. With housing starts in freefall and completions stagnant, the numbers simply don’t add up. Is the construction boom a mirage, about to unravel? This disconnect between job openings and employment could signal an impending crash in the sector. Discover the shocking decline in construction job openings. The US economy is experiencing a historic collapse, with openings dropping nearly 50% in just 6 months.

Buried deep inside today's JOLTs report was some data that is simply stunning, and suggests that Friday's jobs report - now that the data goalseeking and manipulation is largely over with the near-record downward jobs revision in the books - could be a disaster.

We are referring to the historic collapse in construction job openings, which have tumbled from an all time high of 456K in February to a four year low of 248K in July, a plunge of nearly 50% in just 6 months, and a level which the US economy first reach back in 2016!

And yet... in the same period, the Department of Labor's "other hand" which clearly was unaware of what is going in the realm of job openings, reports that when it comes to actual Construction jobs, the number has never been higher: indeed, at 950K, the number of residential building construction jobs is the highest on record.

Needless to say, there has never been a disconnect as gaping as the one shown below!

Which data set is right? To answer that question you don't even have to look at where interest rates are (nor know what the highest rates in 40 years do to housing demand), but merely take a look at the other key metrics of the US housing market such as new Housing Starts which are in freefall, or the lagging Housing Completions which are unchanged in two years...

... and realize that the number of construction jobs is about to crater.

This article originally appeared on Zero Hedge.

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