The Feds Next Big Scam Get Ready for QE 2.0

The Fed’s Next Big Scam: Get Ready for QE 2.0


The Federal Reserve is gearing up for another round of economic chicanery, and this time, the stakes are even higher. Peter Schiff is sounding the alarm, and it’s a warning you’d be foolish to ignore. The government’s addiction to debt has reached crisis levels, yet Jerome Powell and his cronies continue spinning lies to keep the masses pacified. Quantitative Easing (QE)—the Fed’s favorite trick to paper over economic failures—is making a comeback. The endgame? A battered dollar, soaring inflation, and financial enslavement for the average American. If you think your money is safe, think again.

The Return of QE: A Recipe for Disaster

Peter Schiff’s latest breakdown of Federal Reserve policy is a masterclass in exposing economic fraud. Speaking with Anthony Scaramucci on Speak Up, Schiff dismantled Powell’s recent claims with surgical precision. Powell would have us believe the national debt doesn’t factor into interest rate decisions. Schiff calls this out for what it is: a blatant lie.

“They’re playing dumb,” Schiff said. “Powell wants us to think the debt doesn’t matter, but it absolutely does. Every rate hike sends shockwaves through this over-leveraged house of cards.”

The real kicker? Powell and his ilk know this but are banking on the public’s ignorance. The debt is spiraling out of control, but the Fed keeps fueling the fire with promises of cheap money and infinite government spending.

The Never-Ending QE Ponzi Scheme

Schiff has been warning about QE since its inception. Back in 2008, when the Fed rolled out QE1, they swore it was a temporary measure. Schiff wasn’t buying it then, and he’s been proven right time and time again.

“QE was never going to be ‘one and done,’” Schiff reminded viewers. “Here we are, $30 trillion deeper in debt, and they’re gearing up for more.”

QE isn’t a fix; it’s a trap. Every dollar printed devalues the ones in your pocket. But the Fed doesn’t care—they’re too busy keeping Wall Street fat and happy while Main Street drowns in inflation.

The Dollar’s Slow Death

Sure, the dollar looks “strong” when you compare it to other sinking ships like the euro or the yen. But don’t be fooled by this sleight of hand. The purchasing power of your money is eroding before your eyes.

“People think 4.5% on a 30-year Treasury is ‘low’ given the debt levels,” Schiff explained. “But that’s because the system is rigged. The real burden falls on you, the taxpayer, who has to eat the cost of higher prices and stagnant wages.”

And let’s not forget the Fed’s dirty little secret: inflation is the ultimate tax. They’re printing money to cover deficits, but every dollar they create makes the ones in your wallet worth less. That’s the scam in plain sight.

The Debt Trap: A Nation Held Hostage

Households are suffocating under the weight of rising interest rates and declining savings. Credit card debt is through the roof, and people are desperate for relief. Yet politicians from both parties refuse to address the root problem: runaway government spending.

“Trump talks a big game, but his first term showed he’s not interested in tackling the debt monster,” Schiff said. “And Biden? Forget it. The guy’s running a fiscal circus.”

The reality is simple: no one in power has the guts to stop the money printer. Why? Because they’re all benefiting from it. Meanwhile, you’re left holding the bag.

The Inevitable Collapse and How to Protect Yourself

The writing’s on the wall: QE is coming back. Schiff predicts the Fed will be forced to restart the printing presses to bail out the bond market and keep the illusion alive. But this short-term fix will only make things worse in the long run.

“When the recession deepens, the Fed will bow to pressure and slash long-term rates,” Schiff warned. “But that’s just kicking the can down the road. The dollar’s integrity is already shot.”

If you want to survive the coming storm, tangible assets like gold are your best bet. Don’t wait for the next crisis to hit—take action now.

Your Call to Action

The government isn’t going to save you. In fact, they’re the ones putting you in this mess. It’s time to take control of your financial future. Download Seven Steps to Protect Yourself from Bank Failure by Bill Brocius today. Learn how to safeguard your savings and break free from this corrupt system before it’s too late.

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Wake up, folks. The clock is ticking.