
The House of Cards is Falling: 12 Record-Breaking Signs of America’s Economic Collapse


The numbers don’t lie—America’s economy is in freefall. Years of reckless spending, weak leadership, and outright deception from Washington’s elite have left the nation on the brink. GDP is shrinking, inflation is surging, home sales have collapsed, and layoffs are skyrocketing, all while the government drowns in trillions of dollars of debt. The media calls it a “temporary adjustment”—but this is systemic failure. Here are 12 economic records that prove the collapse is already here.

1. The U.S. Trade Deficit Hits an Unprecedented High

America’s trade deficit in January exploded to a staggering $131.4 billion—the largest in history. Why? Because the U.S. doesn’t produce what it needs anymore. Instead, we rely on foreign goods while Washington stumbles through another round of failed economic policies. The Commerce Department’s own numbers expose the lie of “Made in America” rhetoric: we are more dependent on imports than ever before.

Remember when the U.S. was the world's manufacturing powerhouse? Those days are long gone. China, Mexico, and India now supply what used to be built in American factories. While global elites line their pockets, American workers are left with part-time jobs and paychecks that don’t cover basic expenses.

2. Americans Are Gutting Their Retirement Savings

A record 4.8% of Americans raided their 401(k)s for emergency cash in 2024. These aren’t reckless spenders; they’re working-class Americans trying to survive. Vanguard’s data confirms what anyone living in the real world already knows: inflation has crushed savings, wages haven’t kept up, and people are being forced to steal from their own futures just to make ends meet.

This isn’t just an economic crisis—it’s a generational betrayal. The very people who spent decades paying into the system are now being forced to drain their own accounts because Washington flooded the economy with fiat money, devaluing every dollar in circulation.

3. The Cost of Basic Goods Is Skyrocketing

A dozen eggs now cost a record $4.95. Two years ago, they were half that price. Inflation isn’t some abstract concept; it’s a tax on the poor and the middle class, imposed by central bankers who print money like it’s confetti.

Yet, the Federal Reserve insists inflation is “under control.” Really? Try telling that to the families who can barely afford groceries, while corporate profits soar and Wall Street execs collect their bonuses.

4. Subprime Auto Loan Defaults Hit a Historic High

The delinquency rate on subprime auto loans—those taken out by lower-income Americans—just hit 6.56%, the highest level ever recorded. This is 2008 all over again, but instead of homes, it’s cars. Millions of people are falling behind on their payments, leading to a tidal wave of repossessions.

Why? Because wages haven’t kept pace with rising prices. Meanwhile, the banks that handed out these loans knew exactly what they were doing. They’ll profit off the repossessions while working Americans are left without transportation.

5. Home Sales Plunge to Record Lows

Pending home sales fell 4.6% in January, the lowest ever recorded. High mortgage rates and sky-high housing prices have locked millions of Americans out of homeownership. But let’s be clear: this is by design.

Corporate landlords like BlackRock and Vanguard have been gobbling up properties, turning America into a nation of permanent renters. The dream of homeownership is dying while Wall Street gets rich on the backs of working people.

6. The U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficit Reaches an Unthinkable $49 Billion

America used to be the world's agricultural powerhouse. Now we import more food than ever before, while domestic farmers are squeezed out by global competition and government regulations that favor corporate agribusiness over small farms.

This isn’t just economic suicide—it’s a national security risk. The nation that cannot feed itself is not truly sovereign.

7. 15,000 Retail Stores Will Permanently Close in 2025

Coresight Research projects that a record 15,000 stores will shut down this year. Small businesses are being wiped out, and even corporate giants are closing locations. This is what happens when consumer spending collapses and inflation devours disposable income.

Meanwhile, what’s replacing these businesses? Corporate-controlled megastores and online monopolies. The days of mom-and-pop shops are vanishing.

8. Gold Prices Shatter the $2,900 Barrier

Gold has surpassed $2,900 per ounce, an all-time high. Why? Because smart investors know the dollar is being debased beyond recognition. When fiat currency collapses, gold becomes the only real store of value.

9-12. The Debt Nightmare

If you think this ends well, you haven’t been paying attention:

  • Credit card debt has surpassed $1.2 trillion for the first time ever.
  • Household debt has soared past $18 trillion.
  • The U.S. national debt has smashed through $36 trillion.
  • Total societal debt? Over $100 trillion.

There’s no coming back from this. We are in uncharted waters, drowning in debt, while the elites play their financial shell games.

The Bottom Line: America is Already in a Recession—And Worse is Coming

Newsweek recently ran an article asking whether the U.S. economy "may be on a path toward a recession." Give me a break. We’re already there.

Just look around:

  • Layoffs are at their highest level since the Great Recession.
  • Small businesses are shutting down in record numbers.
  • Inflation is still burning through American wallets.

The reality is simple: The American economy is broken.

For years, Washington has spent, printed, and borrowed recklessly, while the Federal Reserve manipulated the system to enrich the powerful. Now, the house of cards is tumbling down, and the people who suffer the most aren’t the ones responsible for this disaster—it’s hardworking Americans who just want to put food on the table.

What happens next? Expect more economic pain, more debt, and more government “solutions” that only make things worse.

The only question is: Are you prepared?

Time is Running Out—Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late

The economic collapse isn’t coming—it’s already here. The government won’t save you. The banks won’t warn you. And the media will keep lying until it’s too late.

You need a plan. Right now.

Download my free 7 Steps to Protect Your Account from Bank Failure and get the information you need to keep your savings safe. Then, join my Inner Circle for exclusive strategies to survive what’s coming next.

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You can either prepare—or be blindsided. The choice is yours.