
Buffett Backs The Banking System in A New Financial War

There is a financial war brewing between the Banking System & Account Holders in the United States.

This war remains largely unseen, as most of the maneuvers--aimed unilaterally against savers and depositors--are taking place, not in the arena of political or public debate, but quietly, behind the closed walls of legislation.

Largely, the banking system has gained ground in areas that the general public has missed.

Here is what’s at stake:

SEC Money Market Reform

The SEC’s Money Market Reform made it legal for banks to freeze your money in cases of “Extreme Volatility.” Passed in 2016, this reform virtually puts all depositors’ funds into the hands of banks, placing your wealth in a position of extreme vulnerability and disadvantage. Yet the SEC’s Market Money Reform passed without public clamor or protest.

The G20 Resolution

The G20 mandate, also known as the Global Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity resolution, allows failing banks to confiscate your money and convert them into equity shares to avoid complete institutional collapse.

The language detailing it was shrouded in legislative complexity, making it difficult for most of the general public and financial media to decipher what it truly entailed. The G20 mandate is essentially a “bail-in” designed to prop up failing banks at the expense of depositors’ funds and financial needs. Think “Cyprus Banking Crisis” of 2012.

CUSIP Placing Private Gold and Silver Holdings Within Banks’ Reach

The American Bankers Association has extended its CUSIP tracking system to include precious metals, making your “private” gold and silver holdings monitorable and confiscatable under the extreme conditions of a financial collapse

Warren Buffett’s Massive Bank Sector Play

Warren Buffett may be considered one of the key financial saviors of the 2008 market crash (as he had insider knowledge of the AIG/Goldman bailout). Buffett has made a very concerning investment play in the recent quarter.

The Bank of Buffett, a.k.a Berkshire Hathaway now has enormous stakes in four of the five largest U.S. banks according to SEC regulatory filings (see chart below):

This begs the question: are we witnessing the emergence of a new bailout?

Or is Buffett simply making a smart move, knowing that with the failsafe guarantees of the money market reform and G20 resolution backing banks - THEY CAN’T LOSE!

Maxine Waters to Trigger “Extreme Volatility” in the Banking Sector

Come 2019, “Extreme Volatility” in the banking sector is certain to take place as Democrat Maxine Waters--the new head of The House Financial Services Committee--takes the reins.

Not only has she taken aim at Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank, But Waters will also have unilateral authority to investigate and to pillory financial institutions, making the banking sector significantly more volatile in the coming months.

Extreme Volatility lay ahead as we approach the coming year. We are currently witnessing its beginnings in the equity markets, and before long, it may hit the financial sector, directly affecting your money.

Getting into non-CUSIP precious metals would be a wise move.

We have, in stock, non-CUSIP Gem/BU .9999 Silver Canadian Wildlife coins at extremely discounted prices to clear our final inventory and make room for our 2019's.

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