fbi biden search trump wray Marjorie Taylor Greene swatting

A Tragic Farce: Why Would Anybody Want To Swat Marjorie Taylor Greene?


Oh, the drama that unfolds in the life of Marjorie Taylor Greene! It’s like watching a poorly scripted reality show, but with the added thrill of law enforcement and political intrigue. Greene, in her latest escapade, cries foul over the FBI’s apparent disinterest in her Christmas Day swatting saga, marking it as the eighth such incident. One has to wonder why anyone would persistently target this political firebrand? Could it be her unyielding charm or her knack for courting controversy? It’s almost as if these swatting attempts are a twisted form of flattery, an acknowledgment of her unparalleled ability to stir the pot. Perhaps, Greene has finally found her true calling: turning personal vendettas into public policy?

Authorities are investigating a Christmas Day swatting attempt at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s residence in Rome, Georgia, but the Republican congresswoman says enough isn’t being done to catch the offenders. A swatting call is a dangerous prank in which the perpetrator reports a severe crime to police to lure swat teams to the victim’s home in a forceful law enforcement response.

“I was just swatted. This is like the 8th time. On Christmas with my family here. My local police are the GREATEST and shouldn’t have to deal with this,” Greene wrote in a post on X.

As Greene has been the victim of repeated swatting incidents, the Rome Police Department was able to quickly ascertain that the call was a hoax and didn’t send officers to her home, a department spokesperson told CBS News.

Police contacted Greene’s private security detail to confirm she was safe and that there was no emergency at her residence, the Department said.  When the call was determined to be a swatting attempt, the police response was canceled en route, Madden told reporters.

“We determined before our personnel could get to her location that there was no emergency and there was no reason to respond,” she said. “Her security detail had it all under control, and there actually was nothing going on.”

A Republican U.S. congressman in New York was also reportedly targeted with a swatting call on Christmas Day.

The Cayuga County Sheriff’s office said it received a false report of a shooting at Rep. Brandon Williams’s house in central New York and sent officers to confirm that there was no present danger.

“Our home was swatted this afternoon,” Williams wrote. “Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving. They left with homemade cookies and spiced nuts! Merry Christmas everyone!”

Source: X

MTG blasted the FBI for allowing the swatting attempts against herself to continue without any arrests.

“And after today, I have been swatted 8 times but the FBI can’t seem to figure out who is responsible for the swatting and says the law doesn’t allow them to track them down,” she wrote on X.

“The FBI can do so many things, has even abused FISA to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans, but can not figure out who wants me killed by a hail of bullets fired by a SWAT team responding to murder suicide calls supposedly coming from me,” she complained.

Thankfully my local police are far too smart, know me well, and know exactly what these swatting calls are. I know there are good FBI agents that are completely sick and tired of the Biden administration they work under.

Swatting is extremely dangerous and people have been killed as a result from swatting calls. It’s also a waste of police time and resources and harassment. I will be introducing legislation to track down swatters. Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes for me and my family. I will never stop fighting for what is right and I will always put America first! No matter what or who attacks me.

Merry Christmas!! Christ is KING!!!

Madden confirmed that Greene has been the target of roughly eight swatting attempts.

The latest swatting attempt came just a few days after Greene’s life was threatened in a text message sent to her boyfriend Brian Glenn, the program director for Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

“Thursday Dec. 21, we received this death threat where this man is saying I will be shot in the head and skinned to make a “parasol” making a reference to Gein, who was a psychopath killer who would make things out of his victim’s skin,” MTG explained on X.  “He also says he would like to smash Pres. Trump’s and Brian’s heads on a curb,” she added.

Ed Gein,  also known as the Butcher of Plainfield or the Plainfield Ghoul, was a serial killer and body snatcher who committed horrific crimes in the 1950s around Plainfield, Wisconsin.

“Have a nice time looking over your shoulder shitbag,” the message from Ben McLean read. “Tell Marjorie that a high velocity projectile will soon find its way into her cranium.”

When told his menacing communications would be reported to the FBI, McLean seemed to suggest he’d had a prior relationship with the Bureau, and understood it to have an anti-conservative bias.

“If you do … Agent Priest. I like him, McLean wrote. “Because surely the FBI wouldn’t be on your side.” The disturbed individual then expressed a desire to “curb check” former President Trump’s “baby soft skull.”

He added, “they’re recruiting me!” next to a middle finger emoji.

Source: X

MTG complained in a subsequent post on X that McLean has not yet been arrested. The Capitol Police contacted him and merely asked  some questions over the phone, Greene said, going on to say it was “shocking” that the kook was not in police custody yet.

“They simply called him on the phone and [Capitol] Police sent us this email about what he said,” she wrote.

Source: American Greatness

“The outright absurdity of this email response and the fact that they have not arrested this guy is shocking, thankfully I’m a gun owner,” Greene wrote.

But compare it to how the FBI and DOJ treats J6’ers, Pres Trump, and their political enemies. Why doesn’t the FBI just call J6’ers on the phone, like the man who says he wants to shoot me in the head and use my skin to make a parasol, and just ask them about what they said on January 6, 2021 instead of hunting them down and locking them up doing the bidding of the DOJ who continues to issue arrest warrants almost everyday for people who said the 2020 election was stolen.

Incredible double standard.

MTG also expressed concern that McLean claimed to have a contact at the FBI. 

“Also, if you read McLean’s messages he says he knows the FBI, names an agent, says he likes them, and says the FBI is recruiting him,” she wrote. “Is the FBI recruiting a man who is threatening to kill a member of congress and crush the skull of President Trump?”

Originally published by: Debra Heine on American Greatness

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