BRICS shift away from dollar

The Final Blow: 35 New Countries to Abandon the U.S. Dollar at 2024 BRICS Summit


The 2024 BRICS summit could become one of the most consequential financial events in modern history, marking a decisive shift away from the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. With 35 new countries poised to join the de-dollarization movement, the dollar’s grip on global trade is slipping. This article unpacks the summit’s agenda and explores what a world without dollar dominance means for you—and your financial future. Take action now by downloading my free ebook, 7 Steps to Protect Your Account from Bank Failure, and discover how to safeguard your savings before the financial tides turn.

By Bill Brocius

The winds of change are blowing strong—and they’re headed straight for the U.S. dollar. Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed that 35 new countries will join the BRICS alliance at the 16th summit, set to take place in the Kazan region of Russia from October 22 to 24, 2024. The agenda? A direct assault on the dominance of the greenback through de-dollarization and a shift to local currencies for global trade.

These countries—many of which have grown wary of U.S. economic hegemony—are looking to rewrite trade policies and shake off their dependence on the dollar. This isn’t just talk anymore; the BRICS coalition is now 9 members strong, with a growing list of emerging economies ready to ditch the dollar.

What happens when the dollar is no longer king? Massive deficits, strained supply chains, and a financial system that can no longer operate on borrowed time.

BRICS Set to Dismantle Dollar Dominance

The steady collapse of trust in the U.S. dollar is accelerating. Russia and China, two leading powers in BRICS, have spearheaded a movement to settle international trade using local currencies. This move isn’t just ideological—it’s a lifeline for countries hoping to escape the weaponization of the dollar via U.S. sanctions. In fact, many developing nations view de-dollarization as a way to safeguard their economies and boost their domestic growth.

With 35 countries now on board, the BRICS bloc represents a growing force challenging the West’s financial order.Russia’s sanctions following the 2022 Ukraine conflict lit the match, pushing nations to seek alternatives to avoid being collateral damage in U.S. geopolitical disputes. Even Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently admitted that America’s overuse of sanctions has accelerated de-dollarization efforts around the world.

What’s at Stake for the U.S.?

If the BRICS countries ditch the dollar, the consequences for the U.S. will be far-reaching. The dollar’s power hinges on being the world’s reserve currency—a role it plays by facilitating global trade and stabilizing international reserves. But once countries begin using their native currencies, the demand for the dollar shrinks, weakening the entire U.S. financial system.

A weakened dollar means higher inflation, rising interest rates, and a potential collapse of America’s borrowing power.

The truth is, countries are tired of being at the mercy of U.S. monetary policy. They’ve seen how sanctions can cripple economies overnight—and they don’t want to be next. Russia and China have successfully courted dozens of emerging economies, convincing them that the future lies not in the dollar, but in a multicurrency world.

Prepare Now: The End of the Dollar’s Reign Is Just the Beginning

The 2024 BRICS summit could mark the beginning of the end for the U.S. dollar as the backbone of global trade. If these 35 new countries make the switch, the dollar’s days at the top will be numbered.

This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario—it’s already happening. BRICS members have settled 65% of their trade in local currencies, bypassing the U.S. dollar altogether. If more countries follow suit, the dollar’s role as the default currency will collapse, triggering a global financial shift unlike anything we’ve seen in modern history.

Don’t wait for the markets to crash before taking action. Download my free ebook, 7 Steps to Protect Your Account from Bank Failure, and learn how to insulate your finances from the fallout of de-dollarization.

And if you’re ready to go deeper, join my Inner Circle for just $19.95 a month. My members get exclusive, in-depth analysis on the coming financial storm—and actionable strategies to keep your wealth safe in a post-dollar world.

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The BRICS summit will shape the future of global finance. Will you be ready when the dollar falls? Stay ahead of the curve—protect your money, protect your future.

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